Disciplina totalmente em inglês: Special Topics – Social Media in Nutrition Research
Special Topics – Social Media in Nutrition Research NTR410158
Total class hours: 15 h (1 Credit hour)
Level: Doctorate and Masters students in Health Sciences
Year/semester: 2024/2
Schedule: Mondays, from 7:30 to 10:00 pm
Dates: August 5th to September 9th (online conference room)
For more details: Anice Milbratz de Camargo (anice.camargo@gmail.com) – Course coordinator
Para se inscrever:
Alunos UFSC: matrículas de 10 a 25/07
Alunos externos: fazer matrícula em disciplina isolada no PPGN de 29 a 31/07
Informações no nosso site: https://ppgn.ufsc.br/